Thursday, March 17, 2011

Otie's first day skiing

I took Otie to Alta for the "Ski free after 3". I wasn't sure how he would do so we just started with the rope toe and he LOVED it. He saw the lift and kept asking if, "we can go on that airplane", so we took a run.
I had a little harness for him but he kept pushing me away saying he wanted to do it by himself. It was the biggest workout of my life. The run up the lift took us about an hour to get down.
I really had the butterflies watching him try to ski. I felt so proud to be his mom.
Despite him crying hysterically all the way to the car because he was so tired, it was still the funnest day I've ever had skiing.


Meg said...

that is awesome! We can't wait till Cash is old enough to ski!!

Karen said...

You are amazing! I'm definitely impressed! I'm glad he had fun.

Max Fam said...

that's awesome.

Jane and Stuart said...

That is so awesome! That's Stu's Dream.

Krista said...

that's so neat!
i want to be like you

Whitney said...

what a stud!

Nanette said...

So awesome! I'm very proud of my godson. and even prouder of you! I can't believe that you were able to manage pictures with everything else!!

Kate said...

how fun em! we need to catch up. i will be calling you this week:)

Becky said...

That's awesome. We've been planning to take Colt skiing this whole winter... but it hasn't happened. :( Glad you got to go!!