My mom's here visiting and we've been having a blast. Here are a few highlights from the trip so far...Horse Guards at Buckingham Palace
Trafalgar Square and National Gallery
Phone booth (that still works) by our flat
Out to dinner with the girls--we miss Heidi
Big Ben
West Minster Abbey
Houses of Parliament
Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
"Mum's" arrived!!
Posted by Tyler and Emily at 12:50 PM 11 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Razzle Dazzle
We've been agble to see a few broadway shows in the last few weeks. We saw Chicago and Billy Elliot. During Chicago as all the beautiful women were dancing around in slinky lingerie I was thinking to myself how ironic it was that I had to beg Ty to see this with me. I think he ended up enjoying it more than he thought would!
There are so many great shows in London right now. We've been saving Wicked to see with my mom when she comes next week!! I can't wait.
Posted by Tyler and Emily at 4:18 AM 9 comments
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Happy Birthday to Betsy yestderday!!
Yesterday was the most exciting day. Not only was it Betsy's 20th birthday, but she also arrived in London for her study abroad! We didn't know how we were going to meet up since she doesn't have a phone here so I just headed towards her place a few hours after I thought she would get there. So as I got to her street I saw a girl struggling with 2 huge 50 lb bags as she walked looking shell shocked and lost in the crowd of people and it was BETSY (she'd gotten a little lost trying to find it). I just started running to her- right in front of a speeding cab, but then she saw me and dropped her bags and gave me the biggest hug. It was so fun and exciting! I just love her so much and am so happy she's here. Betsy in front of her new home for the next 4 months
After she dropped her stuff off, we walked around then went to a startbucks and sat and talked for hours
Showing off her new birthday boots
This is a picture from December. Nanette's brother James is on a mission here and with a little tip from the missionaries in our ward, we found out that all the missionaries in the London mission were going to be at our stake center one night for a Christmas program. So we got to see him! It was really fun. It was obvious that he is a great missionary and really in his element here.
Posted by Tyler and Emily at 2:29 AM 9 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
Happy New Year!
Well, we survived Christmas away from family and friends! I really thought that the holidays were going to be something I had to get through, like I'd just hold my breath and close my eyes and not think about evertthing I was missing at home and it would be over soon! But really, it was one of the funnest Christmas' I've ever had. We had such a fun time together. Somehow these pictures got all out of order, but here are a few pictures of Christmas and our trip to Paris.Van Gogh pictures at the Musee D'Orsey (Ty impersonating Van Gogh's self portrait)
Van Gogh pictures at teh Musee D'Orsey
The Eiffel Tower. I have know idea what happened to this picture. It looks normal on the camera, but when I put it on the computer that weird dark line showed up...oh well.
Hmm....I can't spell the name of this place. But it was amazing. We went to a Mass here and listened to these French nun's singing. It was so beautiful, they really sounded like a choir of angels. It was maybe the highlight of the trip for me.
Christmas Day at our flat with the missionaies, and 2 others from our ward- Jean and Brother Malcom from Jamaica.
Christmas lights on the Champs Elysee
We took this picture becuase we had to check out of our hotel early the day we left and our flight didn't leave till that night so we had to carry out backpacks all day and I thought I was going to die. I got so tired and freezing walking around.
I can't look at this picture without laughing my head off. Don't worry, I didn't let Ty buy this. But he loved it.
Ty at the Louvre
Posted by Tyler and Emily at 4:49 AM 9 comments