Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bedtime Stories.

Every night Otis asks for a story, "and say Once Upon a Time" he says. He asks for stories about everything, Betsy, Grandma, his toys, his rug and the biggest request is for two Johns- one that we bought our chickens from and the other a random guy we got our luggage mixed up with. And I make up amazing stories on the spot if I do say so myself. Here's our story time conversation from the other night:
ME: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Mommy (many stories begin this way)
OTIS: Are you old?
ME: No, I'm young and beautiful. Now listen.
OTIS: Are you old and sick?
ME: Not old, but I do have a cold. Do you want a story or not? Once upon a time...
Otis: I have the hiccups
ME: No you don't. Once upon a time...
Otis: Go out.
Me: Ok, good night.


Max Fam said...

we're going to start telling stories about princess Otis.


HAHAHAHA!!! That is so adorable and hilarious all at the same time! gotta love kids!

Karen said...

Oh that gave me a really good laugh! I loved it! I love that he asked if you were old and sick! HA! Oh and I would LOVE for Brooke to tell me to get out! It would make my life so much easier! :)

Sarah said...

This is so funny. We went to kindermusic today in MO. Let's just say it wasn't quite the same as with you;)

Dana and Chase said...

U just have the cutesy kids alive!

Nicole said...

I love it! Ha too funny!

Kate said...

em that is SO hilarious! haha! love it. miss you guys. come visit CT:)

Mandi said...

Oh Otis. You just crack me up!

Weed Family said...

I am seriously laughing out loud right now. Cutest thing ever. It was so great to see you the other night! Good to catch up!

Ali and Andrew Hyde said...

Your kids are so cute! I can't believe Milly is so old now- she is super cute!

Tracy Peterson said...

Ha ha! That is so funny! Your kids are adorable, Em! Miss you!

Britters and Parx said...

This is hilarious!!! haha! You're boy has quite the personality! =) How are you??? How fun that you have been snowboarding even with a baby! I wish that I could say the same! =)

Becky said...

Ohhh, funny! Got a good laugh out of that one. :)

Laura said...

Oh man, I love the Otis stories you share!! They make me laugh so hard.