Sunday, September 18, 2011

Don't touch my BRUH-ZER!!

Otis will snatch her toys, clothes-line her at full speed, head butt her and more. But anyone else try that and they better watch out. He's very protective of his "bruh-zer" (no matter how many times we tell him that she is, in fact, his sister- it hasn't quite stuck yet. It's only been 15 months). But they do have fun together...
Peek-a-boo on the tube
stopping for some fruit on our way home
*Thank you to my great friend (who I miss!) at LouLou Photography for taking these pics!
Soft hugs are a work in progress in our house
happy to report that this room now has a place to sit!!
Milly is lucky to have him. And he is lucky to have her.


Nanette said...

Those pics are so cute! Otis does have a very cute bruzher.

Max Fam said...

that is the best hug picture I have ever seen. Milly is getting to be such a big girl. Matt thinks if we have a girl we should name it Jupiter - after his favorite run... :)

Cherie said...

Sharing, sharing that's a thing to do. If I had a penny and you hadn't any, I'd something. At least he shares sometimes.
Jupiter Maxfield>>> I like it. Has a nice ring to it.

Kate Nazif said...

Oh wow, you are out and about a lot lady! I always found it difficult to get around on the tube (and even with just one kid!). You are way better at London than I was. :)